Name Tag dream meaning in Korea

Dreams about Name Tag

In Korean interpretation, name tags indicate the expansion of interpersonal relationships or the distancing of people around them.The name tag is often hung around the neck or on the chest.The distance that can be seen with the eyes is reflected in the distance or expansion of interpersonal relationships.It is characterized … Read more

Water dream meaning in Korea

Water dream interpretation

In Korea, people interpret dream water as wealth or power.I post how to interpret the dream of water coming out in Korea. A dream of falling into a well A dream that suddenly falls into a well, or intentionally fails to enter a well, means that you will fall into … Read more

Fire dream meaning in Korea

Dreams about Fire

In Korean dream interpretation, fire usually talks about good signs.Dreams that are burning with fire are rewarded for the growth, expansion, and development of business from the soaring flames.Also, it can lead to wealth such as winning the lottery, acquisition of interest, or development of business. A dream to see … Read more